Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: The Candyman Can

Just to temper this...

The coordinates were off but they did follow geochem survey for their target, as the geochem survey was off as well.

So, ya it's crazy indeed but they didn't stick a random drill in the ground and get VG. They physically looked for a good target to perform the geochem. I'm sure the outcrop of quartz on the road made it easier to find. The geochem folks used different coordinates due to the discrepancy of 1km. Incredibly, the geochem for this area was the best of them all. My guess is that this is due to the outcrops and the likeliness that the closer the quartz is to the surface, the higher the 'smell'. At Beland, the quartz is obviously close to the surface.

For the record, they haven't found too many more outcrops from walking the property. It may have made their life easier if they did.

For the record, Snow White was not obvious on the geochem, but it was much deeper where they found the VG. It could be that a strong geochem also means that the source is simply closer to the surface. So we could be finding a lot more good stuff as we learn more the deeper we go. (off the top of my head, I thhink the geochem is good for 200m depth - anybody?)

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