Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: The Candyman Can

After so many great posts about the site trip, I'm not sure what else I can add. Maybe only a point here and there.

A point that I don't think was mentioned is that GNH has a few workers that literally walk the property looking for quartz outcrops. I have a few pictures that I will post when I can find the cord to connect my camera to my laptop. One has Tinsley standing on an outcrop. Priceless.

I tried to position myself near Tinsley for the majority of the site walk as he briefly explained the geology of the project and answered any questions. Most of the significant points he mentioned have already been posted.

When I ask myself what I took from the trip, besides meeting so many great people, was a moment when I was standing at Beland and looked to Laval's Mountain. I thought wow. They are drilling way the hell over there, and are drilling here, and are getting the same mineralogy. I couldn't help but get excited. As Brattymack mentioned, drilling at Beland was actually a little off due to GPS programming. Kinda gives you the impressing that they could drill just about anywhere along this belt and get the same mineralogy. Don't forget Snow White, our newest area with continuing quartz veins and veinlets surrounded in diorite.

I asked TInsley what excited him most about this project, and really, what could make this man come out of retirement for it. He said, "The potential." Plain and simple. If you met Tinsley, you would know that this statement means a lot. He has spend many hours studying and writing about this property. He said that this is not actually the biggest project he has worked with, but could, eventually, prove otherwise. He was always hesitant to talk about the whats if's, I think because he doesn't want to get too far ahead of himself. His mind is scientific first, anything else second. I have great respect for the man. Sasha made this point as well.

I also gained great respect for all those involved in this project, and all of the Agoracom members. There seems to be a balance between them. No two are the same which makes a well rounded group. I believe the man at the helm, Candido, has the charisma and business skills for maximum shareholder value.

A special thanks to Brattymack for taking me under his wing and being overly considerate to someone he has never met. You truly are a good man. Glorieux for being the example investor I am trying to be and giving me encouragement. Candido, well, for being the character he is. That is enough in itself. Sasha for his stories. Well said. And all others for their guidance and company. That is enough sap for now. Looking forward to the future and the drill results.


Jul 19, 2010 02:37AM
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