Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Dinner time : choose your menu !

Hey Snezzer... good to have this little wager. Like I said, I "very rarely" win when I make a bet regarding anything that requires a sharp, very focused, hugely analytical and retentive brain (like, I don't even know if that string of words should be put in the same sentence... :-} ), so, the way I figure it, it's a no brainer and I should be out in 'Couver next year and paying off my bet. By the way, I NEVER skimp on paying what I owe...

Now, to your calculations...

"""""4) Further private placements and such will dilute the share base by another 40,000,000 shares in the short term to give us 170,000,000 shares fully diluted. (total guess)


= 100,000,000 tonnes

X 4.5 g/tonne
= 450,000,000g

divided by 31
= 14.5 million oz of gold

X $90/oz
= $1,306,451,612

divided by
170 million shares

= $7.69/share"""""

I would somewhat "hope" to see your calculations except for 1 come to fruition, but I don't know if it will by this time next year. I would hope so, but I think that the Securities may get involved if and when Mr. Tilsley tries to make the statement of what we have... That is my gut feeling. I KNOW that he is a very upstanding and understating individual and should be trusted, but if you were the major trying to buy Golden, wouldn't you try to smear his name and keep the share price lower in order to try to buy this little gem (if the drills prove out what we hope they do!!!) for a fraction of what it is worth???

My only hope is that Frank Candido is 'well connected' and can indeed get more than 1 company interested in our little property. That will be the end all, do all and where we will get paid a fair price for our shares in the future (hopefully not too soon, so we can get some proving up done on the Beland, Sugar Bush and that "other" area that I always forget it's name...) Visible gold at Beland is a TREMENDOUS start... Now, if we could just get our Timmins/Snow White/88 Zone proven up by Christmas and get our share price up well above $1/share BEFORE we do our next financing... well, you may just be able to cut your dilution factor into about 1/4, which would suit me just fine..... If, that is a BIG if, you can cut that factor out and still keep your other numbers intact (except, I would use the 3 gram/ton, just because it has come out in the bulk sampling...), you may just get a very nice, reasonable number...

I'm just too tired to run these numbers tonight, so, have a great night, all. See y'all on the flipside :-}


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