Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: If it gets to .75

News release is on Sedar today. I took a look.

Okay, I was hoping the mining specialists will tell me what I'm seeing wrong here. But this is what I don't like about these 2 holes:

BD2010-117 255-289 34m 3.68g/t Incl. 260-261 1m 103.00g/t

BD2010-115 102-112 10m 7.19g/t Incl. 104-105 1m 69.5g/t

#1. Subtract the 1m of 103g/t, and the interval's remaining gold is only 0.65g/t. For the other hole, the remainder is 0.24g/t. So these two holes each have one nugget zone, smeared over long intervals - this is what I was referring to when I said "crap NR".

#2. More generally, if this is an example of a nuggetty orebody being intercepted, then how would you follow the deposit in an underground operation? Would you just keep digging out the breccia and hoping you've found an area with gold in it? Or is breccia never barren? Because it's already been explained that you can't reliably find the gold by shooting holes as you're unlikely to intercept the nugget. So it looks like an underground operation would be an attempt to pick needles out of a haystack.

So, hopefully the mining gurus can tell me what I'm not seeing here.

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