Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: 2010 diamond drill results

I talked to Frank C about hole 127 and our VG there trying to dig what we can expect from this hole. He referred me to this NR info:

As the drill campaign continues, visible gold has been encountered on a more frequent basis, reflecting the difference between the style of mineralization characteristic of Ascot-type zones and T1 and T2 type zones. Visible gold has been observed in 11 out of 40 (approximately 27 per cent) of the holes. There are multiple occurrences of visible gold in many of these holes as well.

and confirmed that we had a cluster of gold nuggets in hole 127 which makes me very hopeful that we will get very good results on this hole-but it was not VG throughout as TL wrote, it was located at the 390m mark.

Someone asked about the full pulp metallic assay technique. Here is a description of what gets done:

Crushing and pulverizing the entire sample

Screening the entire sample thru an 80mesh screen

Assaying the entire 80mesh fraction

Assay the -80mesh fraction

weighted average of gold for the entire sample

From what I understand and I could be wrong, they do this on they entire half core that they have.

Johnny, you did a great job describing the negatives of the company right now but I would of loved to hear what you think of the historical results of Timmins 1 and also the Snow White zone and the potential that both of these will be economical deposits.

The point you made about the variability of the bulk sample being quite different is very accurate. Even over the Timmins 1 area, there was considerable variation to arrive at the 2.99 g/t. From what they have seen at Snow White so far, they believe the grade is better and they want to support this thinking not only by drilling but by this new bulk sample. The bulk samples have a relatively cheap cost and yield good data. The size of Snow White is, at first appearance bigger than Timmins 1 and if we can prove richer as well, than this may help us when we explore the rest of our big land position.

As for links that do not seem to work, do not read to much into that. They redid the whole website 9 days ago and they are aware that some links do not work and they will re-establish them when they have time. Between the NR last week, the flood of emails/phone calls following the NR and preparing for Cambridge, they just did not get to it. However, some of the data you are looking for may be Sedar.


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