Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: The sellers were NOT shareholders who bought below 30 cents:

Dear Johnny,

Many of us here appreciate the "frankness" of Glorieux's comments and have told him so in person. The grades at the Ascot/road zone indeed appear to be lower than those at Timmins1. Are these grades not economical at the depths they have been drilled? Possibly... but I defer to people much more knowledegable than I to determine that.

If you have read our previous news reports you would know that there are several different types of deposits in this region:

T1-type: Auriferous quartz filling brecciated diorite in plug-like protrusions from the


T2-type: Auriferous quartz filling elongated breccia zones in the body of the intrusive,

or in ridge-like apotheosis on the back of the diorites.

Ascot-type: Auriferous quartz in disorganized to massive quartz veins in the volcanic

rocks that were intruded by the diorites, probably located above T2-type zones in the


This characterization, to me, suggests that there are T2-like domains below the Ascot/road zone and that there may be rationale for exploring these domains as possible economical structures. While I might agree that identification of T1- type anomalies along the length of the 20 km stretch would be optimal, I would not be willing to bet that these structures do not converge in T1-type domains at depth.

Good luck with your investment choices,


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