posted on
Nov 18, 2010 07:23PM
New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt
I'vejust joined agoracom and learning about GNH. I was reviewing the history and want some feedback if I understand the play correctly.
1. Previous management was weak.
2. New management needs help with IR.
3. This is a nuggety type deposit with open pit & underground potential. Company is trying to prove up tonnage but a lack of news releases is frustrating many into selling.
4. No institutions have invested yet. Management is on the other side of the pond looking for someone. Why don't they try Toronto? it is the hub of junior mining in the world, think Sprott etc. Since they went so far is it safe to say no institution in Toronto is interested?
5. A few newsletter investors have recommended this stock but the stock is in a downtrend. Stock does not move on any such recommendations.
6. There are alot of posts about the strengths of this company and deposit so I think that has been covered at nauseam. But what are some of weaknesses of the company and the deposit that concern you?
Interested in your thoughts thanks.