Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: To Julie - Here's a GREAT BIG cyber HUG !~!~!

Don't worry Julie. I'm not happy where the share price is either. I'm not the one to complain about it because I'd bet my bottom dollar that complaining about it won't help the share price up... at least I don't think it will.

Have you met Frank yet? Sasha? James Tilsley? I've only spoken to Frank on the phone 3 times and I'm quite sure Sasha is getting sick of me calling..... Oh well. I guess Sasha should consider a different line of work if he doesn't like talking to me on the phone.

Wow, what a roller coaster ride. I've bought in really low, like in last year's PP and then really high, with some RRSP money... I shoulda read the signs closer and waited... My bad. Anyway, I own this stock and I am not selling this stock. I see signs of good things to come. I don't base this on a single interview or a couple of news releases. I am basing this on conversations over the past year and 3 months. I am OK with my investment, not happy as I am not above water yet... but certainly OK... 88 zone certainly did not come out with 50 million tons of gold bearing rock like I had hoped... too bad. I could have been well on my way to fame and fortune if it HAD been gold bearing over hundreds of meters at 2 or 3 grams/ton. Oh well, swing and a miss. Games not over yet... It isn't even the end of the first inning :-} Money in the bank, work being done in the field. A few "new" targets to be drilled. Definition drilling of Timmins to a 43-101 compliant resource... N I C E.

Now, I'm not going to tell you to go away. I'm not going to tell you to sell your shares, if you have any which I don't know or need to. What I am going to say is, my cup is 1/2 full.

Now, take your cyber HUG and go and have yourself a really nice day. Hopefully the sun is shining in your neck of the woods like it is in mine and the weekend is almost here...

And Josey, no hugs for you, you're a guy. So, go and have yourself a beer and a good weekend... Life's to short to spend too much of it in here.....

Herb :-}

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