Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: End of Day

Skier, do everyone a favor and get off your soap box. There is no medal for who holds on to their shares the longest.

I was one of the pumpers when things were going right. When the results came out, I posted my thoughts on them and took much heat from everyone for calling the road zone non economical. I had a good exchange with Larry about it for everyone to see. I did not like arguing with my good friend just like I did not like saying negative things about a company I was heavily invested in. However, the truth was that the drill, when it came to Snow White, Beland or Laval did not live up to expectations and the 20km belt theory got blown out of the water. Add to that the delays from the lab and management promissing things they could later not deliver on time and there is your real reason for a low share price. Stop blaming other shareholders for your emotional decision to stay invested. I sold out some time ago because it was the right financial decision to do. That does not make me evil or anything else you may want to call me. It was a wise financial decision when the drill results failed to live up to expectations!!

At the end of the day however, I still keep in touch with the company on a regular basis. I still have a ton of warrants that I do believe will have significant value at some point in the next 6-12 months. I also like the people behind the company and wish them great success, not only because of my warrants but because they deserve it. Mother nature was not kind to them and that is not their fault. T1 and T2 seem to have real potential to hold an economic deposit at good grades. The last NR with the extention of T1 by 100m to the North East and the January assays from T1/2 combined with other historical results give me hope that we will end up with 1-2M ounces at around 3g/t. When you consider that this is starting at surface, near infrastructure and that gold is over $1500 per ounce, this is potentially a very economical deposit. I do believe that those picking up shares now under 20 cents will make a very good ROI in the next 6-12 months. However, I see no rush to get in at this time. The share price is sleeping, all the outstanding assays are out, we will not be drilling again for another 4 weeks which means no assays for 12 weeks. Some items may come up to wake up the shares price faster but I do not have high expectations there. Best thing to do here is keep picking up small lots of shares for cheap and wait for the value to be demonstrated.


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