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Message: Re: Warrants ...more dilution by NOT extending the warrants is the reality !
May 07, 2012 11:21AM
May 07, 2012 11:52AM
May 07, 2012 11:56AM

OK, I'm just going to weigh in on this Warrant issue for a moment... I said it before and I'll say it again. The last fiasco with NOT extending the warrants COST GNH "and" it's shareholders dilution by not excercising the warrants at 15 cents and doing the resulting PP at a LOWER price PLUS adding in MORE Warrants... That is all there is to say about that issue.

Now, we are sitting at what, 16 cents... What do you think that the odds are that our share price will go up substantially if someone with deeper pockets than you and me (think Hedge Funds, amigos!~!~!) decides that there IS some promise to this little company and want a big part of it so they can make their lawfully stolen money??? No way can you get this share price up if someone wants to keep it down until they get their cut... NO WAY!!!

Excercising the warrants at this time would ENSURE that the company gets the money they need at 25 cents per share. There won't be ANY more dilution to the company if they would have been able to get the warrant money in. NONE. Now, how many entities do you think would go out and purchase a HUGE amount of shares and attached warrants at 25 cents in the next couple of months if they can keep the share price below 20 cents???

NONE, not a single one!! Nobody will pay more for something than what they have to pay for it, including you and ME! So, can Golden get the share price up??? Depends on how bad the Hedge funds and others with DEEP POCKETS want a piece of this company. That's it, period. We now are rolling the dice and seeing if we can come up with a better deal. Will we? We wait to see. I know I spent a goodly sum of money buying into this company before and I don't have that kind of cash sitting around to help fund this company again.

Here is how it will work out for me... If the company gets someone to come in for a reasonable price (reasonable to me means OVER 25 cents/share and not a crapload of warrants to dilute what I now own to 50% of it's value or less) and that entity wants to make some GOOD money and helps to RAISE the share price to where I feel comfortable selling my shares, then GREAT. I won't care at that point one iota about not being able to excercise my warrants. If that scenario does what it normally does and the entity comes in and gets it's 100 - 150% increase and blows out all of it's shares and drops the price down substantially and we do this over and over and over again, then the company is not worth a hill of beans. The Jury is still out on this one. I am still holding my shares and just praying that there is some substantial gold that can be proven up WITHOUT diluting the stock to almost worthless (to me, anyway) by having to go for money all the time. Hopefully I can sell my shares somewhere north of it's recent high of 97 cents. That is all I can pray for...

Dilution... That is the killer if you are a small fish. That's how the BIG FISH keep eating the small fish. That's why the big fish get bigger (and Fatter) and the small fish just keep trying...

My take on this whole warrant thing, for what it's worth.


May 08, 2012 05:30AM
May 08, 2012 06:50AM
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