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Message: Re: Warrants - CJR
May 07, 2012 11:21AM
May 07, 2012 11:52AM
May 07, 2012 11:56AM
May 08, 2012 05:30AM
May 08, 2012 06:50AM
May 08, 2012 07:46AM

CJR, I agree with your thinking and I also disagree with your thinking... Here's why. If someone wants to get a ton of shares and they are very wealthy, then all they have to do is drive the share price down. That's it. That's all there is too it. I've seen it happen. If you drive the share price down by cross trading small lots (which you keep if you cross trade, and don't tell me that is not happening out there because I'm SURE it is), sooner or later, those who don't read boards like this one will sell out before they lose their entire investment. They will try to come away with "something" vs nothing.

Noront was an eye opener for me. The amount of phone calls that were made to win that proxy fight showed just how many people invest their money and have no idea as to what they are invested in. Time and again, the people on the other side of the phone did not have any idea about what was going on let alone have an opinion on it. Richard Nemis had his majority of shares due to a bunch of people coming together (and unfortunately, I was not one of them because of my living in Manitoba) and "informing" the masses. Without this type of information sharing "blast", Richard Nemis would have NEVER had enough support to win the proxy battle. Unfortunately, he lost the war becasue of a turn coat in his camp...

My point is that if someone wants to get the lions share of the rewards, he will. The warrants would have been excercised at 25 cents. Now, if someone with deep pockets wants the next PP to come in at 15 cents, all he has to do is keep the average share price down there over the next 5-6 months when the company needs to raise cash. Resource Estimate or not, the price of the stock is still based on the price people are willing to pay for it. If someone keeps coming in at the end of the day and drops the share price down by a couple of cents after big volume all day to drive the price up 4 or 5 cents, then you still only have a couple of cent gain. I see it almost every day. I stopped watching Noront because of that simple fact. It just made me sick to see it done every day.

Anyway, there is potential here and all I can do is pray the the guys running this gem can unlock it with the best return for ALL. That's it. That's all. No more, no less.

Have a GREAT DAY, one and all... Oh, if you want to have a lousy day, then just go right ahead. Far be it for me to tell "you" what kind of day to have.

Herb :-)

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