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Message: Re: Geece ...PC
May 14, 2012 11:30AM
May 15, 2012 09:44AM
May 16, 2012 07:24AM
May 16, 2012 07:30AM
May 16, 2012 12:43PM
May 16, 2012 01:18PM
May 17, 2012 12:27PM
May 17, 2012 12:33PM
May 17, 2012 01:43PM
May 18, 2012 07:27AM
May 18, 2012 10:23AM

PC: i like you:) and thus i offer the following supplementary thoughts on the Euro.

the Euro zone was created for political stability through economic union a moderating affect on all future conflict: as not to esculate into war.

if Greece is kicked out: there is no sense having a union to begin with ....the purpose of a "union" is to protect all partners theirin, drawing from the power of being united.

i can assure that Alabama and the like do not have the same values as pertains to work output as compared to New York or California ....should they be booted out of the U. S. union.

should Nunavut or Nova Scotia be booted out of the federation ....their values are far from those found in Calgary.

i happen to think the people of Greece got it right... to enyoy their children growing up rather than work 80 hours a week, competeing with peers for a better car or flat screen.

the problem with the Euro union is also the same problem with the U.S. union: multi national corportations, playing upon human weakness and the planet as they pursue profit for shareholders and higher salaries for directors: this includes wrapping up mortgages and selling the contents fraudulantly: it also includes shorting bonds of vulnerable governments: it includes employing millions of people in developing countries at 10 cents an hour: it includes pushing pop, chemicals, plastic, oil, food and drugs without regard for the environment and human health: the end result will be a dead planet in whiuch unions of any kind will be disfunctional.

all of this, while politicians refuse to be leaders on behalf of the people: instead, they allow themselves to be lobbied and flattered by corporations.

cheers ....danny

May 21, 2012 10:34PM
May 22, 2012 09:00AM
May 22, 2012 12:39PM
May 22, 2012 02:48PM
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