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Message: Not that it matters ...

PC, nowhere did I say that it was ok for those responsible in Greece to do what they did. Nor did I say that it was ok to br ripped off. I was just pointing out that the US, no matter the different type of Government and banking system, is as corrupt, on a much bigger and diffent scale, just not so transparent. The people are getting ripped off left and right, by big bussiness, big banks, big investment companies, big food producers, big importers, big oil, tec etc., but they just don't know how bad. The vast majority of the rich in the US, the 1%, can simple put as much money into buying a presidency, blatantly. If that ever came to be, well, you ain't seen nothin' yet. They'll make government and regulatory agencies so small, and big bussiness's control and influence so overwhelming, that the people, the poor and middleclass, will be treated simpley as 'customers', not citizens with rights. The US will then be closer to a dictatorship, as the rest of the world is moving towards more Democratic governments.


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