Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: Six Hat Thinking

Google it. We got the green hat on now.

I like the Hoov. Actually met him and snorfulled some of his beer. Fine man. Busy wrasslin grizzle bears I suspect.

Notster's idea good. Make sure you check out his young'uns thinggy on Facebook.

Here's another thought that we have batted around before, with a twist.

Put a mill/mining manager on the board. Someone that knows the hands on stuff.

Rights offering. Buy a 250 tpd mill. Used if you can find it. New otherwise, with appropriate financing. Rent loader etc.

Approach CBC/BNN/Bell/Astral etc. about a reality TV show. Check out some of the crazy stuff currently on TLC et al. Think Gotti, Gypsy, Duck Dynasty and all the other nonsense. TV production companies seem to love this stuff. Would it raise yer profile and let the common person know what goes on in the real world today. I reckon. Might even result in some new shareholders. Oh, and the sponsors of the program pay you for the right to film and broadcast your daily trials and tribulations.

Blow stuff up, crush and sell resuting dore. Cut, print. Put a hard hat on Sasha and the CFO. Make 'em make money the old fashion way. Earn it. Close up shot of the ruined manicures. Cut, print. Timely. Lots of drama goin on here just now. TV Producers like drama. You have the Quebec and Canada tax money for producing programs. Would make an interesting Canadian story. Anybody know PK's number at Quebecor?

We know where nice dirt is nice right now. Use money from dore to buy Notster's drill. Carry on.

Off the wall? Hell yes.

Remember, we have the green hat on just now. I'll keep you posted on when you can put on the black hat.

Any way to work maple syrup into the story?


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