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Golden Minerals is a junior silver producer with a strong growth profile, listed on both the NYSE Amex and TSX.

Message: Re: trades since 3 PM today, big late day action

Try the banks for starters. I wonder how many naked shorts...the legal shorts are peanuts... will have to be covered...of course they can afford it since they have made gadzillions screwing the "little guy" (and I'm right wing).

If the theory that the bullion banks (and friends in Canada) are long the physical... and have been pushing the funds to short the JPMs so said banks can buy on the cheap...then one great drill result should create an orgasmic lift off for many successive climaxes to come...not only for ECU, but all the blushing brides in waiting.

Is it possible that the management of so many producers (mothers of the brides) and JPMs knew that they could not win this battle until the day the of the wedding...whilst the fathers held it off as long as possible to build up the kitty so a bigger wedding could be indulged in? Consummation is at hand, the honeymoon has long been planned on a bountiful dowry.

One more thing. I suspect that the market fixers (porno kings) have gambled on the presumption that once the PM/JPM shares go nuts, all crimes committed will be soon forgotten. What ever happened to virginity? It makes no difference once conception is achieved. Everybody loves babies.

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