Discovering Canada’s Coal resources

Intersected 23 metres of Black Coal - Border property 50km north of the town of Hudson Bay, SK

Message: the speed of drillings

Just got back from the wine and cheese love fest. Yes Crocky there appeared to be some fund manager types at the event. They seemed to get a chuckle that the shorts are going to get caught once again.

Much of the technical stuff on the environment that produced such thick coal sequences went way over my head. They are definitely on a steep learning curve and are gaining confidence in their ability to target these sub basins.

I spent quite a bit of time with Wendy Mathison and Eric Fier (along with others) going over a map of the property. When I asked about the comparisons with Powder River Basin I was told that Eric will be there next week visiting with Peabody.

A couple of highlights: They are averaging1 hole a day and will be moving 1 rig to a new set of targets to the very south end of the property (the ice bridge is ready for the move). 3 drill rigs operating right now.

A washing circuit if need to upgrade some of the coal can be added for about $2 to $3 dollars per tonne.

They are in the infancy of the exploration. No seismic required - more bang for the buck by drilling.

Summer targets are on the map with one area about 15 km or so to the NE of the discovery holes. That target is high and dry and will be supported by helicopter.

Also targets on either side of the railroad to the west and 5 k south of the discovery holes.

When asked about strip ratios Eric said they are quite low and significantly better than Powder River Basin.

We are going to get a pretty steady flow of news.

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