Message: Minera Exar news

Hi, Coeruleus.  Yes, there was a question of "criminal charges" against Mineral Exar executives.  See this report from July, 2020:


The article was from 24 July 2020 and the title of the article clearly states:

Jujuy's government criminally denounced exAR miner



Jujuy to the day® – The Government of the Province denounced in the Criminal jurisdiction the miner EXAR, for considering her criminally responsible for the chain of mass contagions, resulting from the express and reckless decision of the company not to comply with the health regulations of prevention of the disease and for omissions, non-compliance and lack of control of the Preventive Biosafety Procedure voluntarily presented by the same report to the Emergency Operational Committee.

The complaint specifies that the root cause that generated and enhanced the potential for contagion at the enterprise and community level, as well as the failure and timely omissions of protocol and pure logic measures by all known and widely disseminated in the world, has to do with the entrepreneurial decision of managers and cessers to maintain and not reduce during the emergency , the endowment of workers but to support it in a number close to 1,000 workers, out of a total of 1,100 who regularly perform there.

It further cautions that this decision is in breach of Article 4(2) of Resolution No. 036-MTyE/ 2020, which requires companies to organise work during the emergency in such a way as to reduce the number of employees to 50%, laying down rules to prevent and reduce the frequency and type of person-to-person contact.

In this line of argument, he points out that the fundamental basic rule, both in public and private institutions, companies and associations, is and continues to be considerably lowered (the standard establishes at least 50%) the number of workers and therefore the reduction of the pace of activities of this type with a large number of people in the camp.

It should be noted, that other companies operating in the province, such as Sales de Jujuy, Mina Pirquitas, Mina El Aguilar, among others, reduced their workers' plant during the emergency, complying with the aforementioned preventive regulations, adding to the realization of very strict procedures of testing their staff.

For this reason, the main criminal responsibility rests with the management body of the company and ceos of EXAR, who made the corporate decision to maintain the number of active workers of the usual plant and thus agglomerate the largest number of workers against the recommendations, demands and practices adopted by the rest of the companies engaged in mining.

It also notes that the business decision directly caused an increase in contagion in the camp and, consequently, the risk to which they knowingly exposed workers and communities. It should be remembered that until the first contagion in EXAR and the logical succession of new contagions by communities and the entire Department were detected, Susques did not record positive cases of COVID-19, also aggravating the epidemiological situation throughout the province. More importantly, the communities of the area and indigenous peoples, unlike the company, had been taking care of and adopting all biosecurity measures.

These non-compliances are attributable to the managers and managers of the company, whose function was to guarantee and implement in the workplace and in the day-to-day operation, compliance with the procedures and prevention rules referred to, with particular attention those related to avoiding crowding of persons, maintaining social estating, mandatory use of personal protection elements (PPPs) and bearded , and to any measure of occupational biosecurity.


Note:  Boldface italics in the above translation was added by me.    Okiedo

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