Message: Thacker Pass...This Week?

Apparently the Scoping Letter from the Department of Interior went out on 22 Jan 2020, although the letter itself does not carry a date on the actual letter, but the internet address for the letter does ( I found that strange for a government document!).  The Scoping Letter has some interesting information in it about Thacker Pass and is a good reference:

Thacker_Pass_EIS_Scoping_letter_2020-01-22.pdf (

The actual Scoping Report does carry a specific date and is dated 11 May 2020 and it also has a lot of information:

TP_Scoping_Report_2020-05-11_FINAL.pdf (

In the final Scoping Report there is a reference to the period from 21 January through 27 February and that is in reference to the "scoping period".  The actual "scoping process" began on 21 January with the publication of a NOI ( Notice of Intent ) in the Federal Register.  Possibly that is where the 1/20/20 date comes from for the period "a year from announcement".  If 21 January is the marker for the period of "a year from announcement" then we stillhave to consider that it is one day after the official change of administration.  I would suspect that if it is the Biden administration that takes office on that date, as most people assume at this point, then it will be an administration that provides a continuous friendly state towards the development of domestic lithium resources and that amicable relationship would simply continue.

I found it interesting that in the Final Scoping document there was a reference to 60 non substantive comments that were viewed as speculative or not within the scope of the environmental analysis:

"Non-substantive Comments Summary Approximately 60 comments were submitted related to issues such as general opinions for or against mining, the viability of the product in the market, or requesting that the EIS analyze topics that are speculative or are not within the scope of this environmental analysis. These comments are not included in Table 5 or Appendix C summaries."

The 11 May "Scoping Report" went on to say:

" The final EIS is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2020. The BLM will prepare a Record of Decision (ROD) to document the selected alternative and identify any accompanying mitigation measures. The BLM will issue the ROD no sooner than 30 days after the notice of availability for the final EIS is published in the Federal Register."

So it would appear, after all the delays from Covid-19 that we are still looking at a date 30 days or more ( "no sooner than 30 days AFTER the notice of availability") after the NOA befor the final EIS is published in the Federal Register.

When I searced the Federal Register for Thacker Pass I did come up with several things, but the latest appears to be only:

"EIS No. 20200156, Draft, BLM, NV, Thacker Pass Lithium Mine Project, Comment Period Ends: 09/14/2020, Contact: Ken Loda 775-623-1500."

It does give the EIS Number and that may be helpful in saving time with future searches.

The Federal Register:  Federal Register :: Document Search Results for 'Thacker Pass'

When I ran a search on the Federal Register for:

"Notice of Availability for the Final EIS on Thacker Pass in Humboldt County, Nevada" I came up with zero information, so I am assuming that the NOA has not been published at this time.

Sorry, I could not find more at this time.    Okiedo

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