Message: Re: I am an optimistic skeptic...
Jan 17, 2021 10:50AM

Not throwing caution to the wind is always a wise path to pursue, however that doesn't mean that celebratory acknowledgement of achieving an extremely important milestone event is premature. 

The governmental climate in the State of Nevada towards mining has never been negative in its overall tenor, today is no exception to that historical view of State government here in Nevada.  I believe we have good reasons to expect a successful closure of the remaining gaps in the process towards making Thacker Pass a production reality.  The biggest gap to be closed, in that process and in view of the Nevada State past long history of encouraging mining within the borders of Nevada, is in finding a suitable financial "Strategic Partner".  

Sure, it is possible that there might be some unexpected snag in the realm of getting approval for the water rights, but if we are considering the liklihood of that obstacle gumming up the works vs finding a suitable strategic finance partner then my bet would be that the finance partner is the biggest goal on our path towards production at Thacker Pass.  Having said that, I think that the single most important thing that might prevent a finance partner from stepping up to the plate has been the ROD by BLM.  In other words, if this is a climb to the top of the mountain then I think we have made it through the roughest part of the climb and that the summit is in full view on a path that is much more easily traversed than what is behind us further down the mountain. 

I believe Jon Evans has it right when he says that our focus now is on finding financing for Thacker Pass.                   JMO 

Okiedo (now more passionately optimistic )

Jan 18, 2021 10:10AM
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