Message: Re: NYtimes article

May 06, 2021 01:06PM
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May 07, 2021 10:32AM

Again in reference to the potential drop in the water table from proposed mining at Thacker Pass:  In a 28 August 2020 article from  Sierra Nevada Ally titled

Thacker Pass Lithium Mine – Draft Environmental Impact Statement reaction

I would draw your attention to that portion dedicated to comments/opinion of Edward Bartell:


Edward Bartell, a rancher who owns property both above and below the proposed Thacker Pass mine, expressed concerns about the proposed mining operations in a phone interview with the Ally. Ultimately, if the proposal for the Thacker Pass mine is approved, Bartell envisions a significant change to his lifestyle and property.

“We run cattle out in the area and we have our property above the mine site that has several springs on it that flow year-round that not only adds aesthetic value to the property, but is also important for stock water because we’re concerned about those springs drying up,” Bartell said.

“Then the property we own below the mine site, which is in range of their production well, we’re concerned that dropping the water table will transform that ground into a desert that will devalue the property as well as reduce the amount of forage that it produces. These are very remote areas, so if you don’t have stock water out there, you can’t economically haul water up the mountain on a very poor road. So it would be very difficult to run stock if they started drying up our springs.”


As I pointed out in a previous post, a 12 foot projected drop in the water table is not nearly as disastrous as Mr. Bartell prognosticates, especially since there are other, many other, agricultural and ranching sites throughout the country that operate successful ranching and farming endeavors with a much lower water table than the one that would result if, indeed, operations at Thacker Pass should result in that projected 12 foot drop. The specific example of Texas County, Oklahoma is only one such location.  The drop in water table argument is a much to do about nothing pursuit of Mr. Bartell and his professional "environmentalist" allies.

LAC/Nevada Lithium and Mr. Bartell need to focus mutually, although from totally opposite perspectives, on the water quality issue.  

I especially appreciate the comments of ElithX where it was noted: 

"I think a challenge LAC will always have is that the world in which they are working in is completely foreign to the average person. Even investors like us have a hard time understanding all of the technical concepts and lingo, yet everyone can understand universally relatable potential negative byproducts of mining:

- Altering the natural landscape
- Limiting land for Indigenous tribes
- Affecting the water table
- Creating noise pollution
- etc.

I remember reading a while back that LAC has someone specifically hired for community engagement or contultation. I'm sure they will be working overtime to try to shift the narative. It's always going to be an uphill battle." 

ElithX, that comment about "working overtime to try to shift the narative" was so spot on.  Of course they are trying to "shift the narrative".  That is what professional environmentalists do best.  "Awaken the conciouslness" of the general public is their self confessed motivation.  Articles like the one linked below by Paul Feather are designed to be Don Quixote like in their obsession with jousting against the evil mining industry, at least from their own perspective.  That same obsessive and compulsive righteous indignation will just as easily be turned back on Internal Combustion Engine technology again at a later date without the slightest hint given about the inconsistency of championing these disparate positions on the part of the authors of such "Expose" journalism.  As I warned on this Hub some months ago, the attacks of professional environmentalists are not going to go away in regards to Thacker Pass and, in fact, the closer we get to projected production dates the louder will beat the drums of professionally motivated dissent.  ElithX, the narrative has already been shifted in the minds of a large variety of media sources and in a segment of the population at large and that shift has not been flattering to LAC.

ElithX, you hit it right on the head when you talked about "working overtime to shift the narrative", only the need for that overtime work is by LAC and Nevada Lithium.  It may be that LAC and Nevada Lithium are now in the catch up phase of that battle.  Hunker down, LAC!

Letter to the Editor: “Protect Thacker Pass” – The Cooper Point Journal

May 08, 2021 05:38AM
May 08, 2021 05:50AM
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