Message: What lessons can we take for Thacker Pass from the Keystone XL debacle?

“When this fight began, people thought Big Oil couldn’t be beat,” said Bill McKibben, the founder of, who led the first sit-ins against Keystone XL at the White House in 2011. “But when enough people rise up, we’re stronger even than the richest fossil fuel companies.”

Will this overview of the fight against Keystone XL serve as an omen suggesting a similar fate for Thacker Pass? 

Who knows, at this point, but taking a close look at what the opposition has mustered in reference to Keystone XL and also what is currently transpiring in Minnesota reference Line 3 Pipeline should be carfully examined by LAC management, as I am sure it is being closely perused by the LAC legal team, so as to better defend against what is becoming a cause celebre for the environmental activist diverse groups flying under dozens of different names throughout this country.

The Protect Thacker Pass movement is gathering new contributors like flies at a picnic and I don't doubt that some of the present central antagonists being spotlighted by the visual and printed page press now will seek to expand their 15 minutes of fame at every opportunity so that very soon the national news services will dedicate a segment of their coverage every day to events taking place at Thacker Pass.  Bring in the Clowns, because "Celebrity Guests" are sure to be soon on their way to Thacker Pass as well.

I am hoping that LAC will pull out all the plugs and go on the offensive to counter each one of the claims made against it vigorously.  This is not a situation where patience is Golden.  The other side is playing "Pile On", so we can not be in stunned mode silence.  Zawadzki certainly has proven he has the tools to provide a strong counter attack, so I am hoping to see more and more of his active involvment.  I think he is a good spokesman for Nevada Lithium.

So, today, 9 June 2021, TC Energy Corporation threw in the towel on the Keystone XL pipeline.  They didn't have a lot of choice since President Biden snuffed the life out of the project on his first day in office, a good indication of how Biden can be completely submissive to the wishes of the environmental activist lobby... and they darn sure know it!

Below is a link about TC Energy and how it cried "Uncle" ( as in "Uncle Sam"? ) today, 9 June 2021:

Keystone XL Project That Galvanized Climate Activists Is Dropped (

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