Message: Re: 2021 coming to a close.
Dec 26, 2021 02:33PM
Dec 26, 2021 05:03PM

Dec 26, 2021 09:11PM
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Dec 28, 2021 01:08PM
Dec 29, 2021 02:48AM
Dec 29, 2021 08:15AM

I agree  with Clifford, we all have strong opinions about upcoming correction, tax-credits, politics , military complex, Reset , etc,but let move this to Off-topic and concentrate on LAC, here is a funny one,

I can not believe this astrologist picked LAC , haha: 

Astrology Fund Predicts Correction In 2022; Says Sell Stocks, Buy Gold

 Lawrence Carrel


 The planet Saturn taken by the Voyager Spacecraft at a distance of 21.1 million miles. Saturn square  

When you get right down to it, stock predictions and market forecasts are just a glorified form of fortune telling. While fundamental analysis is a more educated form of guessing, it's still guessing.

Why not just get rid of all the pretense and go full bore into fortune telling with astrology? That's what the Astrology Fund does. Henry Weingarten, the fund's managing director does use fundamental and technical analysis, but he adds astrology as an extra component to his forecasting. He admits he doesn't get every market surprise, but tries to get 30% of the surprises, which "should be enough to make a lot of money."

While most of Wall Street can be relied on to give a positive forecast no matter what's going on, Weingarten gives bears some ammunition to fortify their case for a downturn.

He predicts big changes in 2022 and recommends maximum portfolio protection. He tells investors to move to cash as he expects a 15%-25% correction in the stock market that could come as soon as January. Also, he recommends buying gold as inflation will be much higher than the Federal Reserve expects,

Weingarten's forecast for 2022 starts this week, which holds tremendous risk. With limited market upside, he's not buying stocks at today's prices. He recommends selling stocks and bonds, raising cash levels, getting rid of margin, writing calls, hedging, and doing only short-term trading. He bases this on the fact Saturn square Uranus, a major planetary aspect, occurred on Dec. 24.

Traditionally Saturn represents building and preserving, while Uranus represents change and destruction. When Saturn and Uranus form a square, we often see cracks appear in the foundations of society. The problems with our political, financial, and social institutions become exposed, and then they crumble, Narayana Montufar, senior astrologer for, told Refinery29, a division of Vice News. When it occurred in 1988, the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall fell, said

ASTROLOGYSaturn Square Uranus: Lightning Bolts of Freedom and Disruption |

Originally a hedge fund, the Astrologer Fund turned into family office after the Fiscal Crisis of 2008. However, Weingarten has a following that wanted him to keep providing the kind of market outlooks that he did when it was a hedge fund. Weingarten last big prediction was the market's decline in September. Here is a list of the Astrologer Fund's past predictions.

AFUNDAstrologers Fund Forecast Record

"The most important factor in 2022 is the Fed, which is inflating like hell," said Weingarten. "They put themselves in a box. Inflation is not temporary. I don't think there is much they can do besides some damage control because we have Inflation all around." He predicts inflation greater than 5% that could go as high as 10%.

Weingarten said the market has lost some of the positives of 2021. The monetary policies of the Fed and other central banks are ending, as are government stimulus programs. The boost the economy got from the introduction of the Covid-19 vaccines is ending. Three positives remain: a lot of cash on the sidelines, increasing dividend payouts, and the highest share buybacks in 22 years.

The market's negatives are growing

·     Inflation concerns

·     President Biden's economic policies

·     Sky-high market valuations

·     Covid 19 economic effect, debt defaults, bankruptcies and supply chain disruptions

·     China and US China trade spat/war

·     Record inside selling

His winning swing trades

·     Buy gold before January - anything under $1,800 is a buy.

·     Sell and short markets, and go defensive this week.

·     Buy copper or silver on weakness.

Weingarten said if three of his five market "canaries in the coal mine" occur then risk is extremely high.

·     The yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note rising above 1.40% to 1.85. (It closed Tuesday at 1.48%).

·     If the VIX (the CBOE Volatility Index) rises above 26. (Tuesday's close:17).

·     Rivian Automotive (RIVN) falls below 78 (Tuesday's close $103)

·     Bitcoin falls below $44,000 (Tuesday's close $47,560)

·     GameStop GME -1.2% (GME) falls below $100. (Tuesday's close $146.46)

Silver And Gold

Weingarten said that the global political and economic situation is favorable for both gold and silver. He said gold is one of his favorite sectors as an investment, inflation hedge, and portfolio hedge. He recommends portfolios overweight precious metals.

"I find it amazing that when inflation is rising, computers are selling gold," he said. "Everyone who is a gold investor uses it as an inflation protection, I think this will trade next year and we will take profits."

He predicted Gold will "jump out of the gate in January." He said the fair value for gold is $1,868. It has a support level of $1,770 and overhead resistance of $1,934. Gold closed Tuesday at $1,805.

He specifies that precious metals stocks should outperform physical gold and silver in 2022 and recommends buying gold and silver on the dips.

He said fair value for silver is $26, with a support level of $22 and resistance at $30. It closed at $23.12.

His favorite sectors next year are commodities, entertainment, technology, and safety and security. The favorite commodities are energy, precious metals, base metals, and battery metals.

Stock Picks

While he predicts a market correction, he said 2022 will be a trader's paradise. Stock selection is important, but only buy companies with strong balance sheets and cash flows.

His picks for midsized, relatively safe gold mining companies are Agnico Eagle Mines AEM -0.4% (AEM), Gold Royalty (GROY), and Wheaton Precious Metals (WPM). If you're looking for a basket, you can buy the VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF (GDX) GDX -0.8% and the VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF (GDXJ) GDXJ -1.2%.

For silver he said Hecla Mining HL -0.8% (HL) is one of the best silver plays for the long term.            

The battery metal stocks Weingarten recommends holding are Lithium Americas (LAC), Piedmont Lithium (PLL), and Standard Lithium (SLI).

The full outlook can be found on YouTube.

Dec 29, 2021 05:51PM
Dec 29, 2021 06:00PM
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