Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: i am long but...

I agree with part of your post. Some of the posters have gone a bit too far IMO in criticizing management. I do disagree with the following though

1)  You say "No, I don't get that feeling at all, and I think all the nonsense that is being posted here not only confuses people who have not done all the work some of us have researching this company, but scares away new investors." and

"I have earned several hundred thousand holding LONG, and am very happy"

 My comment : If you have indeed made several thousand dollars then great. You must have had the foresight to buy the stock when it was in the low teens or lower. New investors have not been and will not be as fortunate unless the price goes down. Many investors probably may have bought when the PPS was around 90 cents after the settlement. Therefore all of those investors have lost a lot of money at this point. People buying now at 64 cents aren't guaranteed a profit because no one has any visibility into whats going on. Some of the people complaining now are probably new investors, the people you want to attract. 

2) You say "If you don't know what you own, why would you own it?"

I will admit that I am a lurker and I seleectively read posts and you are one of the posters I respect. But your statement is not practical. Investors sometimes wrongly fall in love with the stocks they invest in. thats ok. Asking other people to not question the stock is something  not ok because some investors are wary and no amount of DD is enough. Granted some of the posters have been blowing a lot of gas with ridiculous statements and have probably not done any DD at all. If I knew what I own I would be a millionaire by now and so would everyone else who know what they own. IMO it's healthy to ask questions about a company. Not only is it fair to new investors to know about the risks of the stock it also informs management if they monitor a message board that investors (or should I say some investors) have legitimate questions. Moreover any new investor who climbs aboard will have a true understanding of the company and complain when the share price drops down or when the CEO is silent. No one knows what they own and if they do well.. congrats. 


I agree with this statement "Nothing is perfect, not man, not company (only dogs are). This is a speculative investment getting more stable each passing week."

but I strongly disagree with this "But you have to have faith in what you are dumping your money in, or get out."

Also FWIW I work in tech industry (and I know for a fact that my company has been contacted by TPL/PTSC regarding purchasing a license). Tech companies spend a lot on R & D. Finding the right company will take time and money. If any of the companies turley is looking at is truly a cash cow then companies with more cash will probably snap it up.  The 20 or so million that PTSC has is pocket change to what Intel or google has. The remaining few are going to be companies whose products will need to be studied in detail. Any M&A decision will take time IMO. If Turley does make a decision within the next 2-3 months I will be surprised (but happy).

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