Re: People......the J3 HAVE signed a License agreement read on:
posted on
Jan 03, 2008 05:05AM
Deb, what an amazing and refreshing post to start off my moring reading of this board!! I too have come to the same conclusion. However, I didn't go thru the excersise of putting it down on paper in such well thought out and clear way. I do have a question that keeps coming to mind. Why the obfuscation? It reminds me of a book keeper / accountant (or news media or politicians) that changes the format of accounting or reporting . Is it a natural process of humanity to alter format or is it a purposeful method implemented by an idividual or group. Unless one can recognize that formats are being changed it is difficult to count all the "trees". My question is why change the format? What purpose does that serve and whom does it serve? It makes sense by your analysis that J3 have signed. You and I both and hopefully others can see it. But why put us all through the ringer to twist our minds around to see the "forest" of 30 trees ( since Jan of 2006 ) I am confident there are other acorns and seedlings ready to sprout up soon. GLTAL I am still hanging in till April