Yup, the PR media blitz thing is pretty friggin' obvious! And one would think that this next 10Q would be "the event" that they've been holding back for. If this ain't it, I don't know what would be. I intend to have CNBC turned on when the 10Q hits though the first trading day after. Volume alone could get us a mention. Then watch for "the CNBC effect". But I certainly won't be surprised to see us ignored by CNBC, regardless of what's reported and what happens.
You'll have to remember, I am/was in the camp suggesting that they NOT do any big PR until S&L was done selling, otherwise we'd just look like more of a pump & dump. This occasion is different, IMO, as I'm hoping S&L will have little impact. And, in this case, the more PR, the less the potential impact of S&L.