Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: imo, Why TPL attorneys didn't want the case to go to trial.


You are on the right track, I have felt the same way for sometime.

Re: One Thing Jim Turley CAN Do/Cent...T.K

Posted by: CenturyCom on January 30, 2008 08:17PM

In response to: Re: One Thing Jim Turley CA... by TOMMEEEK

Thanks for responding.

I'll go one step farther. IMO it was us that did not want to go to court. We had a successful markman ruling and it seemed we had the upper hand, but the remaining issue of validity, if decided by the court, would have removed our great advantage of an ex-parte reexamination by the USPTO. The J's could appeal any unfavorable decision the court makes...not so with the reexam. The J's could argue their case in court....not so with a reexam. We could have lost a huge advantage by having the court determine validity. Why take a chance? Now the question is...What and how much did we give up for a settlement? As much as I wanted to nail them to the wall, I think we did the smart thing for the long range big picture.

P.S. I have not sold one share of my holdings in PTSC. But I call them the way I see them.


Now think about this:

The key issues are:

1) the terms "granted rights" and "Business resolution"

I have felt for some time that we entered into a business relationship with the J's


Re: Banosser, Lambert, etc.

Posted by: CenturyCom on December 19, 2007 01:44AM

In response to: Banosser, Lambert, etc. by Poker MVP

The key phrase is "TPL granted" not Patriot. So. what was granted? Perhaps the right to commerialize the MMP which we own 50% of. According to our agreement with TPL :

You need only look at our own example: (just added to emphize)

The TPL Group (Cupertino, Calif.) has been granted full responsibility and authority for the commercialization and licensing of a unified portfolio of ten patents. This ends years of litigation between Patriot Scientific (San Diego, Calif.) and The TPL Group over title to certain patents, Patriot Scientific said Tuesday (June 7).

So, is this right transferable? The term"Business Agreement" in the PR would indicate the possibility of the above conjecture.

Now does this qualify as a material event. If so then a 8K should be forth-comming.


Which brings up another point:

2) 8K filing- filed as "other event" not "material event"


Re: 8k

Posted by: CenturyCom on December 27, 2007 01:58PM

In response to: Re: 8k by fs2006

How can a settlement, or no settlement as a conclusion to court proceedings not be considered as material. Just cause you say it don't make it so, so to speak


We won't have a business relationship with them until a successful USPTO re-exam and that is the reason no 8K filing under "Material event" was made after the settlement. One should be forthcoming after a successful re-exam. That is when sugnificant revenues should also be forthcoming. Lets hope.

I believe it is all layed out in the MOU


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