Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Enough is Enough. The Entertainent Value NEVER ENDS!
Jul 16, 2009 04:13PM
Jul 16, 2009 06:24PM

I'm LOL on three fronts here this morning. The "enough is enough", with 25 thumbs up, may be most hysterical. It's almost like bizarro world with some, with 25 more piling on.

Where to start?

How 'bout with Chuck Moore and his babble. "Woe is me, I'm in bed with an unscrupulous lawyer" is the basic theme. Hey, YOU picked him. YOU apparently did little or no DD on Lecky. Any admission of that fact? An unscrupulous lawyer, who'da thought THAT could ever happen?! Bitch and moan, accept zero responsibility, and maintain a Web site hammering away to his own detriment. Brilliant! Yet one thing hangs out there.... The knowledge or "feel" that there's something of real value here. If that were not the case, if he had any real smarts, he would have sold out all his remaining interest long ago, got his (just) rewards, and moved on with a happier existence.

Then there's the post this replies to, the one with 25 thumbs up. I could go on and on plowing this fertile soil, pregnant with vulnerabilities based on his past actions/in-actions and posts. This guy has made a career out of criticizing this company, to no avail, just hammering away with posts to his own detriment. Brilliant! Yet one thing hangs out there.... The knowledge or "feel" that there's something of real value here. If that were not the case, if he had any real smarts, he would have sold out all his remaining interest long ago, got his (just) rewards, and moved on with a happier existence.

Then there's his cohort on the other board. His latest post tells of how "sad" it is that Agora folks demonstrate such optimism, hoping for a lower PPS so that they and PTSC can buy lower. Couple this with his own actions/posts, and those of his cohort above, and think about it. Can it be argued that the actions of these two EVER did anything to improve the PPS? Can it be argued that what these two did EVER did anything to hurt the PPS? Think! But his tact is more at criticizing others for their optimism these days, it appears. That and defending the attacks on the company by his cohort. Again, hammering away to his own detriment (how dare you be optimistic about this POS?!). Brilliant! Yet one thing hangs out there.... The knowledge or "feel" that there's something of real value here. If that were not the case, if he had any real smarts, he would have sold out all his remaining interest long ago, got his (just) rewards, and moved on with a happier existence. And the nerve to criticize Longs for wanting a lower entry/buy price. Um, intentionally or not, IMO it's more likely that the actions of these three, two in particular, ..... (you can see where I'm going).

Notice an interesting common theme here? To coin the phrase, the "three amigos" (whether they're actually all friends or not) are all generally doing the same thing, for the same reason. They hang on, whining endlessly, dedicating ungodly time and effort, illogically shooting themselves in the foot from an investor perspective (concurrently denying the reality that we/they, as shareholders, are pretty much powerless - as shown from experience), with (bottom line) money still invested.

Then one screams "enough is enough!", bring me their heads!. If "enough" were truly "enough", wouldn't ya think that if they had any smarts, at all, they would have cashed in their remaining chips (optimism be damned)? They don't, but then criticize the optimism of others.

IMO, what I say in this post is virtually unarguable. It's what I've seen and continue to see as reality. But I have been known to be delusional! LOL

Bottom line, PTSC (the MMP) is what it is. No one here can cause much if any change in that, or in what will be. But these guys all demonstrate, through their hanging on, an ultimate faith that good things may/will happen - eventually.

BTW, I too am looking for a lower PPS for re-entry. I don't consider this "sad", but instead believe that we may (optimism for the future aside) be overpriced recently (especially in light of the most recent news). Is the PTSC situation really better now than it was when we were trading at 8 cents? So thinking long term, recognizing the present reality and future potential, it is IMO completely reasonable to look for a lower PPS. Such attitude is far more reasonable than criticizing the company endlessly or criticizing Longs voicing long term optimism.

There is a reason these guys are still invested. The reasons for their actions are harder to comprehend. Yes, this is a penny stock. No, we can not effectively cause a change in company behavior, as efforts supposedly toward that end have shown over the past few years.

"Enough is enough" now fits for this post.... Just pointing out the (perhaps twisted) humor in what these guys say, versus what they continue to do (hold on, exert effort).



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