Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: gcduck / Re: Does Leckrone benefit from a weak PTSC?

Considering at the end of November, 2009, PTSC had $11.6M in cash, who do you think benefitted by PTSC giving $2M of that cash to TPL?!

Do you think having $2M less in cash with which to pursue these new legal actions and with which to sustain PTSC, and build PDSG was BENEFICIAL to PTSC? How much more is it costing them to now pursue the return of the $2M plus interest? How much opportunity cost is it creating by the lost/delayed licensing, emboldened infringers, and attention required REACTIVELY pursue these actions, rather than PROACTIVELY pursuing them years ago?

Do you think TPL is in worse or better shape for having $2M of PTSC's cash? At $400 per hour, the $2M has likely gone towards funding 5,000 hours of lawyers' time to battle PTSC.

Perhaps a longer run might be in order to help you crystalize the proper understanding to realize the source of the difficulties PTSC faces don't come from message boards or outside the company, but from the agreements fashioned and agreed to by the company, its officers, and its directors, and their inablity to provide the proper oversight to prevent things from getting to the point we're at now. Not to menion their hopscotch business plan execution, and rotating door of CEO's.

Look, as we've all suspected all along, TPL appears to be deserving of every doubt and suspicion thrown at them. I hope that PTSC has the ability to shock and awe them in to a quick resolution, and one preferrably that eliminates TPL and the Leckrone's from any claim to the MMP, and from the equation altogether. But to sit here now and imply that critical posters were trying to weaken the company, when we're realizing that all of the admonitions of those posters had merit, and the company is NOW taking action years later, is upside down logic. Those posters to whom you refer, have been trying to STRENGTHEN PTSC, by getting them to acknowledge the obvious, and to act on it, and/or to get people in place that would be prepared to do so.

Despite what is right before our eyes, people here still want to put the onus on posters on a message board, than on PRINCIPALS of the entities involved in this mess. Remarkable!

Aug 15, 2010 06:29PM
Aug 15, 2010 09:49PM
Aug 15, 2010 09:52PM
Aug 15, 2010 10:19PM
Aug 15, 2010 10:41PM
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