Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re:. first things first....okay, I'll give you some wiggle room
Jan 17, 2013 12:36PM

For the benefit of all, I am compelled to share the point of this little exercise. I admit to an emotional reaction to yet another Ron post where he deliberately demeans others purely for his own perceived benefit. I'm sick of it. So are most here I'd bet.

The point of this exercise is to demonstrate that Ron makes mistakes and offers bad opinions/advice fairly frequently IMO and on important matters. While he provides valuable legal advice, IMO he has a tendency to not think things through. While I may not possess KAS's is the legal realm, I am capable of logical reasoning and thinking things through. That's what I bring to the party.

And speaking of bringing things to the party, Ron wrote an extremely demeaning and disrespectful reply to Opty, and that's what prompted this exercise. For the record, Opty has done more for the benefit of PTSC and shareholders that Ron has ever done, or is ever capable of doing. He deserves a great deal of respect. He initiated the correspondance with the PTO with an email to Director Kampos when the '336 was in seemingly endless limbo in re-exam (of the exact same prior art that had already survived re-exam). That correspondance was followed by emails from me to the person responsible for re-exam oversight, and within a relatively short time, the re-exam was concluded with the PTO acknowledging that they fouled up (costing us almost a year). And a follow-up re-exam request, again based on the same prior art, was quickly extinguished after an email to the PTO from me, which was prepared (like all other such correspondance) in a collaberative effort between me, Opty and several other shareholders. Did these emails actually get the PTO off the dime on the '336 re-exam? We'll never know for sure, but IMO it is more than a coincidence that things happened shortly after this communication with the PTO, while nothing had happened for several months after Henneman had formally advised the PTO of their error.

Another contribution by Opty only a few folks know about. He caught an error (referenced application number or patent number) in a transmittal from Henneman to the PTO. He immediately advised Cliff via email, and Cliff forwarded the catch to Henneman, who immediately corrected the transmittal, avoiding a potential great deal of confusion at the PTO (and resultant delays). If I recall correctly, it had to do with the '584 re-exam. Henneman, via Cliff, expressed his appreciation for Opty's action.

Opty's contributions are REAL. Ron's contributions, while appreciated by all (including me) are limited to this message board. They have done nothing or very little in the grand scheme. Helpful, but with zero tangible result.

Back to the point of my confrontation with Ron; it is an effort to make him recognize that he is no better than anyone else here. Also to put some of his advise in perspective, and point out how it is faulty. He makes mistakes too, just like everyone else. It's long past time for Ron to climb down off his self-created pedestal, and recognize that he posts bad info with some frequency (which I intend to point out - on my terms, and not some dictated approach). He needs to recognize that while many consider him "your Holiness", many others consider him "your ass-Holiness". He may say that he believes he is no better than others, but it certainly is not reflected with the outrageous disrespect demonstated in his posts. Knock it off. Grow up. All he's doing is pissing people off, and coming across like a pompus ass with no class. TOTALLY unnecessary and inappropriate, and an ongoing distraction from things that really matter.

More posts to follow. All can read them if you wish. If not, don't. But there may be some valuable insights pertaining to PTSC, where we're at, and why. PTSC, the investment we all share....


Jan 18, 2013 02:12PM
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