NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: MiningJunkie - you must be tired..

MiningJunkie - you must be tired..

posted on Oct 11, 2007 07:35PM

..you had no response for Johndefur's response to your post . His response has obviously met your expectations. ( I suspect you were either trying to discredit Johndefur or endeavoring to ascertain his "market prowess"or both).

MJ, in many posters eyes, you are the man. You wow many with your insights, terminologies and engaging anecdotes.

After seeing John's candid (maybe ignorant to your intentions) response to your calculated question, I am irked by your lack of response. Hence, his response met your expectations.

Here are reposts for all to consider:

Posted by Johndefur:

well...I was absolutely dead on with my call, that yesterday was short/basher attack on NOT after a fantastic NOT news release yeaterday...what you saw today for the first time, is the MARKET finally realizing a real potential for a MAJOR deposit...

This was impart due to the STEP OUT (140Ft) hole #12, mineralized by about 430FT...in addition the confirmation of the new plunging NW Peridotite with textured sulfides, wich occur in most magmatic M.S. including Lac des Illes, Voisey's Bay..etc...Also there seems t have been confirmation of a second anomaly, very close to the discovery, hence D.Eagle 1 and 2...so no dount now the MARKET has spoken, and believes the potential is "REAL"..

As far guessing at future prices, all I will say is look at the recent aquisition of Miramar by Newmont...Mir. had less than 5 Mill oz. gold in Mexico wherein the deposit was scrambly and difficult to mine..,, I believe they paid almost 2 Bill$ for Mir with assets in ground of 4.5 Bill$...so depending on the in ground value defined and proven NOT would be valued similarly...I expect the "word" to continue to be spread about NOT's great discovery, and more grest NEWS...

In other important News, the CHINESE have set up a special governing council to specifically concentrate on acquiring/JV/buy outs, of natural resourcce...they will use their Bills$ in reserves to accomplis this..CHINA is desperat for natural resources,ALL OF THEM!! they see India moving up who is in much more need for these natural resources, are are trying to get ahead...

The metals markets were UP solid all day, till the EURO Bank (one of their mouthpieces) suggested they likely will have to raise rates for fear of inflation...This set the main markets down as well as the Metals...some of the Metals had reached a 4 week high..

too early to say IF we will be facing Inflation or a US slow down,not recession....the FED is stuck, US Economy slowing US$ tanking...will they cut rates at next meeting??? IF so there goes the US$ DOWN and UP go the Metals...

One more thought...NOT is now acting in part like the rest of the Metals markets, that's why I believe we had that little pull back near the end of trading, because all other Metals plays backed off a bit as well...

good luck to all that hung in during the basher/short attack....

MiningJunkie's response

Great post. Thank you for your comments.

One thing though - what is your thought process on the topic of "realistic entry point"? Is buying into a $400M market cap after 12 holes warranted or is it speculation?

I sincerely ask the question because I bought more at $3.60 today.

(MJ, when have you ever, whether it be here or on SH, ever asked the opinion of any other poster - you have not ever. - You do not need our input, Nobody knows as much as you).

Here is Jondefur's "Candid" / Honest and I suspect Ignorant to the intentions answer to the question:

well...it's difficult to pin point an entry level at this time, because you could have paid 3.10 or 3.90...so that decision was entirely yours...but within that range, I believe you did well, considering what the MARKET knows today...don't forget last week many these details were not known and the MARKET sold NOT higher...

If you go back to Diamond fields, you will see that this stock had tremendous trading ranges UP a day or 2 DOWN a day or two, until one day it just took off and never looked back...As you may well know this game is not for the faint of heart...you're playing in the BIG times...they will try to bluff,cheat,scare,etc to make you sell your shares ...i do agree in one sense, that the BIG money SP will come with confirmation of tonnage...I think even 10 Mill tons will be enough to send NOT to 10$ 20$..after all the richnesss of this deposit, someone estimated for every 1 Mill tons= 1Bill$...

I believe we're in a similar pattern so far...I also believe the MARKET will price in in advance of good news to come, and of course in speculation of what might be, even before the actual results are in, that's the nature of my experience...However...

As a trading rule, I almost always like to buy in near the bottom...and as the SP moves up substantially, I like to cash in between 50 to 90% of my original cash outlay, depending on the stock...In this case I only sold 20% of my original cash outlaybecause it has GREAT potential..I always use that cash to look for other very promising pennies


Careful guys, there are sharks in the pool! We are already swimming with big fish.


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