NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: BullyBoy READ

BullyBoy READ

posted on Oct 14, 2007 12:32AM
Don't know if you got my point but I got yours.
I have not the time to read your articles, and as with drill hole maps (a totally different issue on the Forum), do not need to.
I have no real difficulty with the condition of currencies nor bonds. But the current driving force behind the situation we are observing (credit markets and currencies) is connected with Monetarism.
As far as I am concerned, value is in the eye of the beholder. Nowdays it is apparent that the Commercal and Financial facet of our society see huge value in electrons. Twenty years ago it was plastic. Twenty years before that it was signatured paper (a check). For some two hundred plus years before that it was the bank note and paper money. Prior to two hundred and fifty years ago it depended on who you were, where you lived, and who either owned or controlled you (the timeline here is not precise). If you were not easily controlled and not owned, you either rode the coat tails of whoever was the most in-control in your geographic area. As for money, essentially what ever acts as the commonly accepted means of exchange can be considered as money. It is the faith factor that is central. Wealth is of many forms, where more of it simply is a reflection of whatever the forms expression happens to be. Throughout all of this the common denominator is the society in which it all occurs and is dependant on whatever that societie's cultural expression happens to be in each given period of time.
As for the bully boy aspects of your response, I have very seldom publically expressed an opinion on very much everything. This is a publically accessable membership conducted forum so I am not fully sure in which manner this forum should be considered. What you read and took great pains to respond to, to the best of your ability, was one of those very seldom quasi public expressions. Know what it is you are going to do and then do it is something of a mantra for me. I sence that we both have that in common, to some greater extent. It is your definition of conservatism that I largely agree with but do not support. Order can be viewed as a public good. Its imposition form a narrow evclusive authoritarian idology I also do not support. I had intended to include a terse mention of True Democracy and regret not having done so. Perhapse its inclusion may have allayed your graveist concern.
Outside your response to my post which was derive in part from a part of your initial post in this particular sequence of interactions, I have the feeling you are having every bit as much fun as I am. I usually find your posts to be a very good read. However, I have no difficulty in saying the same for virtuallt all the posts on this forum. Postpartum is a long way up and well into the future and I hope to continue learning as well as enjoy through the interm.
One last thing. When it comes to the actual business at hand, I prefer the busness at hand. I prefer to be terse and to the point. With that, I trust those that may feel I may be aggressive in teprement will learn to appreciate getting to the essence with little nonsence, as no insult is intended and should not be taken (goes for within the forum as well as outside the forum).
Now, Let us continue having fun everyone!
Old Joe
PS: Anyone know what happened to Longshot7? Shouldn't he be "Kachinging" all over the place? Where are you Longshot7?
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