NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: My .02 Cents
Nov 30, 2007 12:37PM
Nov 30, 2007 12:55PM
Nov 30, 2007 12:59PM
Nov 30, 2007 02:30PM
Nov 30, 2007 03:19PM
Nov 30, 2007 04:24PM
Nov 30, 2007 04:37PM
Dec 01, 2007 03:46AM

My .02 Cents

in response to by
posted on Dec 01, 2007 05:06AM

Its been awhile since my last post, tried to keep up on posts and prices. I run a home renovation company now, can't keep up... gave up the suit and tie 9-5 thing and loving every minute. As mentioned in a past post I am long on NOT and very confident in its future prospects. I do hold them in a Self-directed RSP so I can trade them if necessary. But I also hold them outside to trade with the price fluctuations. I think I may need a Blackberry soon can't be on the computer to much during the day. Just disclosing my position on NOT so you can draw your own opinions. Seems to have been a tough month for all on this board without news.

- I do believe that Noront must spin-off DE to achieve the hightest value for us shareholders, as well to allow the other properties to reflect their true value (Windfall, Burnthill, China).

- We do have $30 million in the bank, however if we spun out DE the bulk of that would go into the DE project. They have new drills coming with more crews etc. Would they not keep a portion of the $30 million to help fund the ramp at Windfall and their other projects. So with a burn rate of 1.2 million/month, depending on how much they leave in the pot after a spin-out, this may decrease the time frame for cash. ($30/1.2=25months) if they keep $20 million for DE and $10 million for NOT then ($20/1.2=16 months). My thought is that we may still need to do a PP at some point. Only after a spin-off?

- We are almost at hole 30 in the drill program after only a couple of months. I am not a mining expert by any means, this is excellent progress imo. With addition of more drills in Jan/Feb this process will accelerate even faster, does anyone know or estimate the number of holes required to put together a pre-liminary tonnage estimate? I know it depends on the size of the anomoly. I heard it can be anywhere from 150-200 holes.

- I remember awhile back that Richard Nemis stated we are entering into 20 Chapter book and were in chapter 1. If this thing is possible a doulbe anomoly with a ghost bridge that dives down, we may still be in chapter 1 maybe 2 still. We are at $5 and change and holding things can only get better, personally I would like to be holding back over $6 and change I held during the last downturn am waiting for a rebound, I just with I could have accumulated more as it rises.

- OT: I have been reading this site for a long time now and enjoy all the posts and converstaions. I miss some old names and their inputs in this forum (JD, MJ, franuzman, Misfit, AL). I enjoy those we have now that share openly and help pass along information. We have to remember it is an open forum guided by an administrator. All statements, opinions, thoughts expressed here are for all to read and digest whether its pro or con. Some have agendas, some need info, some have info to share, and some are stead fast in their postions. It is for us as individuals to determine what makes us tick and what piece of info we need to do our DD or make a decision. Some times we all need a pick-me-up post and sometimes we need a cold bucket of water in a post. We are all adults that can make informed decisions, we can read between lines and ultimately make an informed opinion whether it can benefit you or this forum.

Please keep the spirit, and the open-mindedness, after all we are all here for the same reason...I hope...best of luck to those invested.

Dec 01, 2007 09:38AM
Dec 01, 2007 10:21AM
Dec 02, 2007 07:20AM
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