NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Old drill results from 2005

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, but after many years of practice, I feel I have mastered the art of stating, and often restating the obvious. You be the judge.

Fear: Some concern about spinning out DE and Windfall, or sale of these assets at fire sale etc.

Fear not: Keep in mind when Richard says they want to surface shareholder value in these two projects, Richard is a shareholder. So are all the big guys and all the hamsters like you and me. Regardless how they decide to proceed with or without a spinoff, rest assured that it will be done with the utmost of care and concern and every drop of cash will be rung out of any deal for the benefit off all of us, and in a most tax preferred bent as well.

Fear: Concern that little happened after speach, share price is dull.

Fear not: Consider that the speach to the Rich club was very likely preachin to the choir. Bulk of em are probably in this and other area stocks already. Don't have occasion to schmooze with old money too often, or whomever these folks are, but the buzz on James Bay has been round Toronto for a while, and I can't imagine these folk don't have sniffers on high alert for some time.

Fear: Missin the boat.

Fear not: OK so you didn't get in with some of the lucky ones at fifty cents. But here at 5 or so, you could still be looking at a multi bagger. Sprott's Hodson thinks so. So do many others. There are other stocks in the investing universe. Fill yer boots on NOT then start looking for the next one. Stocks that go rippin up the charts are like busses, be another one along in a minute. Think Blue Pearl and Aurelian. Find the next one. Let me know when you do also.

Fear: Manipulation

Fear not: Hate to flog this dead horse again. Thanks to Glorieux for posting of same. I think I read this about 25 years ago. Perhaps someone knows the actual date and author. This piece does not apply here. Was written about old boileroom techniques from the bronze age I think. Personal opinion is that it is silly to suggest that this goes on in a now very widely followed and heavily traded stock like NOT. Ask yourself this question. When the stock goes down, are the manipulators on the buy side or the sell side? When the stock goes up, same question. Prove it. I'll warrant you that the big boys can play little games on slow days from time to time, tho this is just a quess, but I'll also warrant you that the OSC are watchin this whole play like a hawk, and they will smite anyone hard for any hanky panky. It is extremely imperitive in this day and age of Sarbanes-Oxley, Enron, Adelphia, Nortel etc. that the securities commissions show an iron hand toward any sneaky behaviour so any house would have to have cojones of stainless steel to screw around. Manipulation? Nonsense. Won't matter a whit by next summer anyhow.

Dream big compadres, and let's get that other hot tip board goin. Let's all find that next one early, make a ton and start our own club. Show em how the hamsters can party. Yee Haw.

The Trucker

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