Da Rock wassa just inna messagin’ wit Ghost11 onna other board…..he asked ma opinion onna whether gold anna mining shares will do if equities trend down. Without a lot o’ thought, dis was ma quick reply:
“Fo' does wit news......big news....not expected news....equities trend donna matter.
Iffa news issa expected....den stock moves wit trend....EG: NOT anna hole 18.
Just been readin' 3 questions dat count by Fisher....he dinna say dat...but I thought 'bout same question ya asked dis mornin'......assa whaddyam I gonna do next week.......anna dat's what I synthesize from ma own brain......
Well, ain't dat sumting...I tink I'll get sum tea anna conjecture mo'! HardRock”
Now, afta sum tea…..anna mo’ thought…….
Two principles here:
1. Expected news isssa discounted…..donna move stocks.
2. Not expected news moves stocks…….especially bad news.
Da Rock believes inna DE anna believes mo’ deposits ta be found……so da Rock wonders ‘bout da biggest bang fo’ da buck……dat’s what we all lookin’s fo’.
Iffa NOT finds mo’ den NOT moves up inna price…….dis issa da expectation…..dis issa already factored inta da price……so price moves less violently up…..o’course ya says……NOT’s chance issa better since Ni/Cu already found……anna ders merit ta dis.
Iffa other area plays finds mo’…….da Rock tinks……….der’s better reward inna bigger move up……cuz…….it’s mo’ o’ a surprise…..so stock should explode……..anna sum o’ dese plays have money…….annna good claims area…..anna large claims.
So dere ya havit……Saturday mornin’ Tea Thoughts,