Upstart Xstrata, who the really big guys would like to "consolidate" (read "eliminate") will be a highly motivated bidder for NOT's eventual world class asset. They are like the 90 pound gymnast, so fast but compact you probably don't even notice the odd mistake! They will be grinding away figuring out how to steal this from their big , slow competitors. They get some bad press (but so do the democrats). They are really super competitors in the arena of "world class". They actually like going head to head with BHP and Vale. And for their size, they probably have as much international acumen as Vale. We should expect to see them get at least a silver medal in the bidding. And while my preference would be toward a BHP, who are really nice guys to deal with for big fast cash, I think XTA would put a better package together for us. We should all want some participation in the future growth and development of this major new area.