We have been talking about a major for some time. Right now, XSTATA is the only "major that is significantly into ferrochrome. their corporate strategy is to maintain dominance in this industry by: "leveraging our distinct scale of operation in South Africa." So that would imply Xstrata will be our enemy unless their strtegy changes with this new resource. I would say they will be in protection mode and may be the source of some of our share price problems at present.
BH Billinton was a 60% owner in Samancor which is the largest producer and reserve holder in the world. Billinton sold in 2005. However, they are heavily into iron ore and alloy commodities. they are aggressive growth oriented and I am sure would love a chance to compete with Xstrata and get back in the ferrochrome game.
Vale Inco are into Nickel which we have as well as other ductile iron and steel alloys. I can't see that they are into ferrochrome but it compliments their product line. In my opinion, they would be a contending interest for our deposit for both nickel and chrome.
So, as I see it we may have two of the three most touted majors interested in the ROF. There are others such as Rio Tinto and Tech that may be interested but probably not. Any comments?