Well here we are sitting here still believing in our precious Noront Resources after this incredible year hoping that she/he delivers up all of our hopes and dreams. Well as most of you longs know, my hope and dream was to be able to afford a full set of teeth. I did foresee some of this economic crisis coming so I sold some of my portfolio that didn’t have as much potential as our NOT.
Though I couldn’t afford the full set of teeth I did sink all of the money I had in one really great looking tooth. I’ve had many requests from you all to change my picture so I had this new one taken for you guys. I thought I would do it right (with the money I had) and get a full makeover so I went to a makeup artist who did my makeup, I dyed my hair and hired a personal trainer.
To tell you the truth I think I look marvelous but that’s for all of you to decide.
So I hope you like the new me and if NOT goes through the roof I will be able to afford the rest of those teeth.
WARNING: if the picture attached looks anything like you or your wife/husband please accept my apologies, I’m only trying to put a smile on your face.
Lance Swago is still hanging in there and still long maybe very long.
Lance Swago