The list of shareholders of 100 shares or more is close to 6000. We need more help to contact these individuals. Those that are interested in supporting Noront thru concrete actions by contacting shareholders by phone please send me a PM with an e-mail address that I can send you a list of names. The list has been broken up in chunks of 100 shareholders. We have the names and the addresses but have to do searches on the web to get phone numbers. Scripts are being prepared to make this as easy as possible.
This week in my opinion will be huge for us. By contacting individuals about the proxy fight, we are raising awareness that we have an undervalued stock. Management will release every ace up there sleeves this week to convince retailers and possibly Sprott that it is the best suited to build value for our company. I expect to see a NR on Monday, possibly expanding Eagle 1. The other possible option is to sign a JV with a Major to prove that we have a major believing in us. Of course, they would of liked to wait till later to do a deal on their terms but now may concede a deal at a lower price because of the proxy fight. Should be a very exciting week.