Problem is that NEW MONEY is EASY to FIND in these Markets. There are many with large sums looking for the BEST of the BEST in the Private and Public Markets to place their Cash looking to have it securely and wisely Invested for a good long strady future return.
And you can count on the A$$ Managers to have plenty of silent buyers looking to take Noront, LOCK, STOCK, AND BARREL.
But the A$$ Managers will take a big slice of Noront first, should they HUSTLE INTO THE BoD. Then the sell off to get out with their INSIDER arranged SHORT TERM CASH INFUSION and a HEFTY PROFIT to themselves.
They may be GREEDY enough to want to keep the entire company for themselves, but then they would have to run the company. Something they have little GOOD Experience at doing WELL.
So, they are really left with the QUICK FLIP option. And that's it!
Old Joe