Upgrades to the McFaulds Base Camp to minimize occupational health and safety risks, continued improvement in crew performance and the mitigation of any potential environmental concerns.
- post freeze up pad work to facilitate the installation of enviro fuel storage tanks and the fuel haul to fill them, , pad work and instalation of insulated potable water storage system. Pre breakup resupply fuel hauls and Back haul of all spent fuel and hydraulic fluid drums from the area.
- pre breakup staging of fuel for summer drilling at strategic drill site locations identified for the post breakup drilling season, each location should have a couple of rigmats inplace ready for rigs and fuel.
- although nostalgic, the wall tents need to be replaced by modern self contained camp trailer units, more fuel efficient, modern sleeping quarters, laundry, bathing and modern kitchen facilitys. Wall tents can then be used as core storage.