NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: A lot of this could have been avoided - SUM & ALL

Why is it that there remaing so many so hungry to see a SELL OUT to anyone?

Seems to me that far too may posters here Do Not Understand Economics, Money and Banking.

For one, if they did they would not be pumping the Pseudo notion of Currency (aka - money). And I will not explain that again! Go back and check several of my posts on the matter over the past 15 months.

Now, given the real state of affears in the World Banking Industry, or more correctly, the Financial Credit situation primarily responsible for creating the Banking System to Clogging up, it is very unrealistic the think the Majors are looking to Pay Fair Price for the Real Value we have in the RoF. These Big Mining Companies have their eye on relatively (in comparison to they themselves that is) small and New Producers and very near term new Producers. And they are not quite ready to go all in on the Buying Binge right now, even though ALL RELATIVELY SMALL and NEW Producers and Near Term Producers are now very likely at their Lowest SP in this Cycle. The Buying Binge will only kick in when there is a very clear TURN to the Up Side. The True Big Miners will not mind at all paying double what they likely could get right now if they KNOW the next Up Cycle is firmly in place. And that usually is KNOWN to those with the Size/Research/Connections 3-9 months in advance of the typical Data Indicators, etc..

As a major project the RoF would take 5-10 years to go from where it is now to Full Procuction - Major Miner Style.

They know this. Rn very likely knew the same. Why so many here seem to not really know much is interesting. We still have too many small time Speculator Mentality Investors - looking for the SELL OUT for a profit. The Quicker the better for many. Thus these individuals are more than mere Hustle Bunnies, but still look through very narrow LENSES.

Seems to me, knowing the REAL situation, RN kept very busy and extremely constructive in developing alternatives to the SELL OUT Mentality. Knowing the REAL Situation and the Best AND Fastest way to produce MAXIMUM VALUE for the Company, and in turn also for ALL Share Holders, RN and TEAM turned to developing alternative means of achieving the ultimate Goal - MAXIMIZE VALUE, and increasingly focused on the BEST Means of getting Noront Resources there.

DEVELOP THE MINING CAMP OURSELVES. And if and when the Majors were finally ready they would be very willing, if NOT down right EAGER to Partner.

Why Partner? Because by that time Noront Resources would be so valuable that EVEN the Majors would not be able to FINANCE a Buyout.

Remember the Financing Crisis we are reading so much about right NOW?

Will, that WILL be multi years in the MENDING! And there WILL be NEW RULES on oversight of Banking Interests (be they what we use to call Banks, or be they what we use to call Hedge Funds and Venture Capital Interests, or Insurance Companies, or Asset Management Companies, or what ever. They ALL will be UNDER Regulation of one form or another in the very near Future, assuming they still exist or are allowed to exist, or even want to still exist!

Thus, Do Not Be In A Rush To See A SELL OUT Any Time SOON!

Be Very Satisfied To See Lomg Term Appreciation In The Real Value Of NORONT RESOURCES! Very substantial Long Term Appreciation In REAL VALUE.

Old Joe

PS: Want a quick FLIP- Go back into the REAL ESTATE BUSINESS!!!

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