I began to think at one point that the new BOD might be a solid group of professionals who would get the job done more expediently than R.N.. They still may, but of late I reflect on my feeling that Nemis' style was bold, honest and refreshing and ultimately would have brought us all to significant gain as he was defining the product in the ground and making preparation to present it to the buyers. Nemis style was to find it and present it and to not let it go cheaply.... to the point that he said we could extract it ourselves if our price wasn't met.... a comment for which I believe he paid dearly. This was not on the agenda for underlying forces and resulted in what is now NOT history. We still have to wait, there is a lot we don't know... but we look with, hopefully, some optimism that we can overlook the present BOD modus operandi upon a successful performance demonstration by this group.