NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: Anyhow Hub leaders Nomination time frame/oxfords
Mar 16, 2009 02:57PM
Mar 16, 2009 03:21PM
Mar 16, 2009 03:30PM
Mar 16, 2009 03:34PM
Mar 16, 2009 03:37PM
Mar 16, 2009 04:10PM
Mar 16, 2009 04:30PM
Mar 16, 2009 04:50PM

Good morning everyone,

Indeed, let's show George the results when he gets back in 3 days.

First of all I want to thank George for his work and vision for at least the last 12 years making this possible. I consider myself a guest and am very gratefull being allowed to participate to this forum. Some might think it's their damned right to use this means of communication.

Still, George had me surprised by editing almost right away a hub leader list of 40+ presidents plus. I understand that he has 12 years experience in this bussiness, and in that time worked out a practical formula and rules for the benefit of all. And this works, Agoracom rules. But do I not sence here a tiny little bit of personal over reaction...letting 44 hub leaders lose on a hub that just turned from sponsored, managed to public? Or mayby he just did it on purpose, the villain :), to see what we can make of it...

Then again, this is all very exusable as George, being a Greek, knows the real value of the words "Demos" & "Cratein", embedded in the Greek History.

Respectfully, it's my opinion that a system of Greek City states will not work here, why not nominate BertaCurry head of the Mexican Hub Leader army LOL, so lets come down to a more appropreate modern democratic & practical system.

There has been some mention that mayby it's time to instore some new rules for this hub. With respect to this proposition, I really don't see the benefit of that. As I already mentioned, George (as a Greek Olympus) provided us already with Agoracom's "Six Rules of Use". I for one am sure he did not go over one night of ice making this up, and they work very very well.

So down to bussiness...

I welcome those who followed my "footsteps" and volontarily publicly stepped away from their suddenly atributed "super powers". I suppose a lot more really don't care if they are enlisted or not. No problemo. But I urge those who want the job, to give everyone a sign and step forward. It is not a contest, Dony my friend, and it will never be. The NOT hub is one of the busiest on Agoracom and is entitled to have 4 to 6 hubleaders. I challenge you that it will even be difficult to reach this number :) So, volunteers come on! Don't be shy....

I do not voluteer for the simple reason I sleep most of the time when you folks make your deepest feelings public on this hub, and vice versa...:)

Beside my first reason, that is proving up to George we are all mature and can manage our bussiness, there is a second reason why I keep hammering. Mark his words, "Noront is a great company with the potential to enrich everybody here over the next 3-5 years (nothing happens overnight)."

Wow, I hear you, another 3 to 5 years...In that time frame we all will have our moments of getting out/in...but it also means that Noront will propably cease to excist and we will still be here (with a lot of money to spend). What then, "Nice time hope we do it again soon". I sure hope with all the addiction, talent & experience on board we can continue in other adventures... At least we must keep our Greek Gods happy :). Carlos

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