NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: why bashers bash...

I know someone just deleted the original post by Dor but I have reopened it to be able to respond to it properly. I apologize to whom ever deleted that post. Sometimes, it is better to keep your enemies very close to be able to understand them and disarm them.

Dor, here is part of your post...I will deal with other parts in separate posts to keep the reading easy.

Your words:

Glorieux, you of all people should be very thankfull of the so called bashers. Because of their "continuously bashing down this stock" (your words not mine) you were able to get back in at 53 cents after selling all of your Not shares (your words not mine).

Now of course, you don't need them any more, this stock has to move up.

I wonder, on what side are you and who is behind you, what is your agenda and why are the site responsables backing you up?

My response:

Yes I am thankful to the bashers...and let me say thank them publicly for it right here and now. However, I still despise them and their puppet master (greedy scum IMO). For the record, I started accumulating NOT shares last week starting at 0.65, then again at 0.58 then again at 0.53. I will buy again as well as long as the price stays at these ridiculous valuations. I do want the stock to move up as you say, everyone in a long position wants that, thanks for pointing out the obvious!

As for what side I am on, well first and foremost I am on my side, my family's side, then friends and fellow longs.

My agenda is to promote a company I highly believe in, a company I have heavily invested in both in terms of money and time. The site responsibles back me up because this is a free country and they choose to do so. Why? you will have to ask them however, if I had to guess, I would say it is because they have come to know me very well over the last 2 years not only thru this site but also throught the NOT golf tournament and the PDAC in Toronto where many of us exchanged more than virtual communications. I helped lead the charged in the proxy fight, a fight we one and only after threatening to sue the board did Rosseau and his hedge fund get half of what they thought would be a cake walk to get. Retail stood up and I was proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with people I now call my friends. When you add it all up, I believe I have earned my stripes with Noront and my fellow longs.

I have looked at your 12 Noront posts in the last 3 months and nothing in there leads be to believe you are an honest poster in a long position wanting this stock to go up. So forgive me if I label you basher and you are not...actions speak, BS walks!!


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