NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: NRing of Info showing the new CEO is up to Speed on part of Noront's Activities

NRing of Info showing the new CEO is up to Speed on part of Noront's Activities

posted on Jul 06, 2009 03:24AM

The NR put out by Wes is simply his way of demonstrating that he has been brought up to speed on all the EXPLORATION Related aspects of Noront Resources with respect to the RoF with mention of Windfall Lake to the extent that the Company does not currently want to have Windfall Lake as an Issue distracting Investor/Speculators from the Much Bigger Treasure. That Treasure being the RoF!

Wes, Good to see you are up to speed on the Basics of the Exploration Program in the RoF. How about doing the same with respect to the equally important Corporate Level Basics? Can you provide us with a NR updating the Share Holders on where we as a Company have been over the past 8-10 months?

Is there any need now for Joe Hamilton to stick around? Do you think he has served his purpose already? Seeing as we want to put on a Positive FACE moving forward, would it not be beneficial to get some Fresh Blood (back) onto the BoD. Old Baggage can hamper such desires. And will you demand that NO Director EVER Again BASH our Compnay on Company lavish Expence, for what ever excuse, what so ever.

Can you please reduce the Mystery of the Orientation of the Eagle 1 49 Drill Hole? As a Respectable Exploration Company, the Essential BASIC Exploration Information needs to be Published if you want to keep your Share Holders remotely in the loop. I feel somewhat confident that the Many Prospective Investors looking on from the side lines May Also appreciate seeing Holsome Complete NR's on Exploration Activity and DUE Exploration Results, as may well the Many curent Share Holders. All your Share Holders.

As a Share Holder, I do not want to see the likes of Ru$$eau Blowing more Smoke due to the total lack of understanding demonstrated last year. Well, actually, they can Blow all the Smoke they like. But please, NOT around here. They can sufficate their CoHort. I, as a Noront Resources Share Holder, will NOT suck up such Smoke.

Wes, I trust you are looking forward to having you position Confirmed at the approaching AGM. Show ALL of us you like being with Noront Resources.

Old Joe

PS: Love the renewed Pumping, if only for the Hype Summer Days. Brush away the Clouds and Cheer Up. Shows the Blue Sky. Does 49 NOT!

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