NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: Misfit's Mini Midday Musing for Friday, July 17.


Always great to see you post. As any good poster, you will take some flack for admitting you sold even a portion of your shares but that is a personal decision made with years of experience in the investment world. Congrats to you for being to take some money off the table. Selling at this point for me is like folding queens, you know you have a good hand but you know that other opportunities will come around, possibly even buying back NOT at a lower price if profit taking by others becomes excessive.

We did have something in common is that we both posted we were all in a few weeks before this huge rally. The difference is I have not sold a share yet and will not till the news is out. I may not do as well as you if the news is not as spectacular as I believe but I have chosen to play it a different way than you and will have to live with my decision.

For me right now, I know that we have 437M of mineralization at depth under Eagle1 that I know John Harvey qualified as "Spectacular massive sulfides". Anyone who knows John and has had the pleasure of speaking to him, he is all business, to the point of being a little monotone. For him to qualify anything as spectacular when he has been in the mining world for all his life makes it impossible for me to sell till I get those assays.

Clarus took some profits early on...was this profit taking or keeping the price down? The end result is they ended up by 108 500 shares. They have great analysts and choose to keep buying. That is reassuring even if I know they could of sold some under anonymous.

Now we know that hole 49 was drilled 25 to the south east of Eagle 1 with a dip of 87 degrees towards the north west. The next hole was supposed to be a 100m step out. However, they could not go 100m north or west because they would of gone thru Eagle 1 and this would of made BHEM pretty much useless. So now we are left with going 100m to the east or south. Either way, we are getting closer to the FNC border. The rumor mill says hole 50 yielded even longer intercepts of mineralization and is the reason FNC has exploded upwards more than NOT. However, NOT will still hold a huge amount of that mineralization. This is not a pump for FNC but rather the rumor wheel...if you choose to believe it. The volume and price gains on both companies however seem to follow those rumors very strongly and at this point I choose to believe the tape!

Still holding and waiting for the point that I will take money off the table...that time will come for me and you should be thinking of when that point is for you as well.

Again, thanks for posting Misfit1, I always appreciate your thoughts!


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