NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Re: Misfit's Mini Midday Musing for Friday, July 17.


"Now we know that hole 49 was drilled 25 to the south east of Eagle 1 with a dip of 87 degrees towards the north west. The next hole was supposed to be a 100m step out. However, they could not go 100m north or west because they would of gone thru Eagle 1 and this would of made BHEM pretty much useless. So now we are left with going 100m to the east or south. Either way, we are getting closer to the FNC border. The rumor mill says hole 50 yielded even longer intercepts of mineralization and is the reason FNC has exploded upwards more than NOT. However, NOT will still hold a huge amount of that mineralization. This is not a pump for FNC but rather the rumor wheel...if you choose to believe it. The volume and price gains on both companies however seem to follow those rumors very strongly and at this point I choose to believe the tape!

Where did you get the "Now we know that hole 49 was drilled 25 to the south east of Eagle 1".

Seems to me that the DH 09 - 49 hole was collared to the NW of DH 09 - 47, and since the new BoD came on Board we have not been given Collar Coordinates.

Otherwise, All the Hooting and Hollering has not changed anything. Given the surge in Volume followed by rather Minor SP gains and the New Big Player (Clarus - which makes me think something new is developing - for sure), there is NOT a lot to be too excited about with respect to Noront Resources. I will qualify that by knocking myself here by WONDERING WHY "One of the Manipulators" called on Kiaser to put out such a poor Statement (essentially what Hustle Bunny would call DRIVEL) followed up by Excessively Massive Ask Walls as the Markets went through the Trading Day and then uped the Massive Ask Walls nearing the Trading Finish. Likewise the Equally Massive Buy Walls on the Down Side.

Getting cought by surprise in our case seems to mean that the next Several Days (and maybe even weeks) will be a strugle by Several Sides (with somewhat copious amounts of cash on hand) as to who will set the Carefully Set Out Agenda for Noront Resources, AND, many of the Explorers with Proximal Land Positions (to Eagle 1 and ALL the Chromite - as it is known so far) to the well known multi mineral Deposits in the Double Eagle Area.

I only wish to remind ALL that we will NEED to make a Decision as to who will constitute our BoD no late than Labour Day. September will be needed to promote our NEW Selections to fill 2, 3, 4, or more Directorships.

And the BoD is of UPMOST IMPORTANCE as to how we ALL Will get our JUST REWARD.

Old Joe

PS: Excitment is fine (???) but HONEST Clear Reporting, in Timly fashion of Meaningful Results in Decent News Releases, AS WAS THE CASE UNDER THE FORMER BoD, MUST RETURN AS THE STANDARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Crap we have been fed is enough to turn virtually ALL Respectable Individuals away from this otherwise potentially Excellent Investment. Thus the REAL Responsibility of a BoD!!!!!!! Where is it???????????????????????????????????????????????

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