NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: Noront is Toying with us becacuse they are all in right now.

Noront is Toying with us becacuse they are all in right now.

posted on Jul 21, 2009 11:32AM

They know what we want and have decided it's in the companies best interest to delay E1 release. Reasons:

a) get Windfall out of the way to release E1 news in an hour or so. (hole 49 covered disagreeable news)

b) there is a bigger deal out there that requires negotiations and they don't want details leaked or are obligated not to yet. Windfall deal indicates short term thinking. They want their profits now. This makes me lean towards NOT's desire to get ROF on negotiation table with a Major ASAP. That's great news to me. Why wait years when a Major wants a marriage now? So either a deal is on table now or they are being solicited.

c) If B is true then there is no new news at all. Negotiations are regarding Hole 49.

I'm sure we'll benefit with patience (if there is any left in the tank).


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