I knew I was going to have some responses to that post and I thank you Hoov for taking the time to do it. If you do not mind, I would like to pursue this a little further though even though I always end up feeling a little more humble after any exchanges with you!
You are right that Eagle 1a is not spherical and again, no arguments there. However, the volume of Eagle 1 a as per 43-101 is as follows:
Massive Sulphide Domain
Block Model Volume 105,543 m3
Geometric Domain Volume 105,485 m3
Difference 0.05 %
Disseminated Domain
Block Model Volume 885,903 m3
Geometric Domain Volume 885,546 m3
Difference 0.04 %
So if we average out each you get volume of 105, 513 of massive and 885, 724 of disseminated for a grand total of 991, 237meters cubed. Funny how my spherical calculation turned out to be 995 305, a difference of only 0.4%. This could have worked out to sh*t ass luck but very close indeed!!
If the other numbers end up having that variance, I could live with that!