Sum, business sense tells me that at this time, they cannot afford to show anything but a united front. No scare for the market. also, birds of a feather flock together, and the path has been set. It is up to us individually to try to deal with all of this, and I think at present, to give it some slack, just based on a business sense. There will be enough rattles as it is.
I am being told another offer is more than likely coming down the pike. This has just started. Look for great # from NOT, a bigger battle for FWR and an increase for both.
How lucky can we be. If you are in it now, no use complaining about particular ethics, you picks your stock, you sells your stock, and you pockets your profits based on what you can live with.
I can live with NOT. I have made peace, and I think if we are smart, we will all do very well. Same with FWR. Not a time to rock any boat.